Saturday, July 11, 2009

State of the Kids

So I'm out on a cycling workout. I turn to go down a very slight hill and almost run into a kid. No, I wasn't going to fast or not paying attention. The kid wasn't.

Picture a kid about fourteen years old and, oh, about 260 lbs give or take a fat roll. He doesn't have the A) energy, B)inspiration, C) Hootzpah, D) strength, E) all above to make it up the hill on his bike so he is pushing it. In one hand is a brand new video game at which he is staring intently. In the basket of his bike are three empty 20-oz soda bottles. I figure he coasted down the hill to the video game store, during which he chugged down all three soda's while he recovered from that effort as he chose his video game. Then he leisurely sauntered back totally oblivious to the world.

I counter that with the week the Boy® just had.

9-12 AM: Soccer Camp
1-3 PM: Swim Club
5:30 - 7 PM: Swim Team

9-12 AM: Soccer Camp
1-3 PM: Swim Club
7:15 - 8:15 PM: Soccer Practice

9-12 AM: Soccer Camp
1-3 PM: Swim Club
5:30 - 7 PM: Swim Team

9-12 AM: Soccer Camp
1-3 PM: Swim Club
7:15 - 8:15 PM: Soccer Game. They lost their first game of the year 1-0. There were tears.

I sincerely hope there are many more kids like the Boy® out there than the video game, soda swilling, obese kid. Or America is going down without a fight. This country needs another Greatest Generation. Active kids will become the leaders of tomorrow. You can bank (bad, bad word!) on that!


Mario said...

I got one that almost matches that kid... Football practice for the 8 year old: neighbor is there with their 9 year old who is on the 'heavy weight team'. She is complaining about a teacher who put their kid thru all sorts of ADD/ADHD tests. Parent just thinks he's 'outgoing' and high energy. Can't figure out whats wrong, if anything. He comes up on water break, but does she hand him water? NO, gives him a MTN DEW AMP! WTF.

Mario said...

Unfortunately, bad health is now fitting the bell curve with the out of shape kids in the middle (peak). Active at the front, non-active, but not obese, at the back, with big, soda swilling, lazy, motorized Razor scooter riding kids in the middle.

There will be a revolution at some point--on health, not health care.