Date: Saturday, June 12
Location: Independence, MN
Previous Results: Never competed in this event
As I told one buddy this week, I am questioning why the heck I signed up for this Oly and looking for any excuse (flu, injury, weather) to just bag it. Yep, I'll admit to being a bit apprehensive about the swim. Worried that my calves will not hold up in the bike. And if I even make it out of the water and through the bike...that 10K run is looking real daunting right now.
Then I was listening to some music this week, and Moment of Surrender by U2 came up on the playlist. Some of the lyrics stayed with me:
At the moment of surrender
I folded to my knees I did not notice the passers-by
And they did not notice me
I have ingrained into the Boy's® that we must never give up. We don't surrender. We get back on that horse....or bike....and ride. So coming off a bad bike the previous weekend, I'm going to try and settle the score this coming weekend and make it through the longest open water swim of my life. Then nail the bike. Then see what the legs will have left on the run.
I signed up as this event is in my backyard allowing me to swim in a lake I am familiar with. And I ride a portion of the actual bike course three or more times a week. So there is a certain comfort there. And while the bike course has some climbs, nothing is exceptionally hard. OK, maybe the climb coming out of Homestead Trail near the end of the bike, but I ride that hill three times a week and have come to love it as a trusted ally and friend, ahhhhh. Here is a side image from Google Earth 3D. It doesn't look so bad, does it? Trust me, you'll be changing through all your gears.
Here is the complete elevation map.

I have no goals other than finishing, period. If I am to finish, slow and steady will rule the day. Weather looks like it will be humid with chance of thunder. Temps will be lower 60s at race time. Humidity will be up there nearing 70%. Winds NNE at 9-10 MPH. 80% chance of rain. I may wear the wet suit the whole way.
But I won't surrender.
Schedule of Events
• 5:30am – Baker Park and Transition area open and body marking begins
• 7:15am – Mandatory Pre-race meeting (held at the lakefront)
• 7:25am – All athletes must be out of the transition area
• 7:30am – Half Iron Race Starts SWIM CAP COLOR
o Wave 1: 7:30am – All Competitive - Clyds, Athena,Teams Red (M & F),
o Wave 2: 7:33am – M 25 - 39 Purple
o Wave 3: 7:36am – F 25 – 44 Lt Blue
o Wave 4: 7:39am – M 40 – 54 Royal Blue
o Wave 5: 7:42am –M&F- 24 &under; F- 45&over; M - 50&over White
• ~8:00am – Olympic Race Starts
o Wave 1: 8:00am – All Competitive - Clyds, Athena,Teams Purple (M & F),
o Wave 2: 8:03am – M 40 and over White
o Wave 3: 8:06am – F – All Lt Blue
o Wave 4: 8:09am – M 39 and under Royal blue
• 10:00am – Anticipated first Olympic Finisher
• 10:30am – BBQ and Refreshments available at Driftwood Shelter
• 11:30pm – Anticipated first Half Iron Finisher
• ~11:15pm – Olympic Awards Ceremony
• ~2:15pm – Long course Awards Ceremony
Swim Course
Both the 1.5k (Olympic) and 1.2mi (Half Iron) swims leave from the South Beach in a counterclockwise direction keeping all buoys to your left. Swim exit is to the left side of the beach from where you started and will be marked by an arch for better visibility. Participants will ascend a flight of stairs (watch your step, slippery when wet!!) and head towards the transition area. The Olympic course will be marked with yellow, red, and orange buoys. Turn around at the first set of large orange turn buoys. The Half Iron course will go around all buoys continuing on past the first set of large orange buoys to a second set of large orange turn buoys. See above map.
We will have plenty of on-water assistance for you. Lifeguards in kayaks/canoes as well as motorized boat support (staffed by CPR/First Aid personnel), Hennepin County Sheriff’s patrol and dive team will be available for safety assistance. If you are in need of help remove your swim cap and wave it in the air. You are permitted to rest on buoys, boats, etc. in the water; however, you may not use them to advance you along the course. If you utilize anything other than your own power to move yourself forward and/or are pulled from the water you may not re-enter and continue.
Exit the transition area to the north to begin bike course. Helmets are to be worn at all times while on the bike and must be on with chinstrap fastened before you take your bike off the rack. You will take a bike path up to the park entrance. Please use caution on this section as it is narrow (only a block long) with a very tight left turn at the top of the hill. Take a right out of the park onto County Road 19. Merge/turn right onto Perkinsville Rd. Right turn onto Budd St. Left turn onto Pagenkopf. Right turn onto County Road 90. Right turn onto County Rd 11. Right turn onto County Rd 19. Left turn onto Hamel Road. Right turn onto Hunter. Left turn onto Medina Road. Right turn onto Holy Name Road. Right turn onto County Road 24. Left turn onto Hunter Road. Right turn onto County Road 6. Right turn onto Homstead Trail/JCT 201. Left turn onto County Road 24. Left turn onto Country Road 19. Right turn into park. Again use CAUTION as the path is narrow. Once off the bike path keep left on your way up to the transition area.
Make sure to dismount at the line prior to entering transition. Bikes MAY NOT be ridden in transition. Helmets must remain on and chin straps fastened until your bike is racked.
1st LOOP – Exit the transition area to the north to begin bike course. Helmets are to be worn at all times while on the bike and must be on with chinstrap fastened before you take your bike off the rack. You will take a bike path up to the park entrance. Please use caution on this section as it is narrow (only a block long) with a very tight left turn at the top of the hill. Take a right out of the park onto County Road 19. Merge/turn right onto Perkinsville Rd. Right turn onto Budd St. Left turn onto Pagenkopf. Right turn onto County Road 90. Right turn onto County Rd 11. Right turn onto County Rd 19. Left turn onto Hamel Road. Right turn onto Hunter. Left turn onto Medina Road. Right turn onto Holy Name Road. Right turn onto County Road 24. Left turn onto Hunter Road. Right turn onto County Road 6. Right turn onto Homstead Trail/JCT 201. Left turn onto County Road 24. Left turn onto Country Road 19.
2nd LOOP – Merge/turn right onto Perkinsville Rd. Right turn onto Budd St. Left turn onto Pagenkopf. Right turn onto County Road 90. Right turn onto County Rd 11. Right turn onto County Rd 19. Left turn onto Hamel Road. Right turn onto Hunter. Left turn onto Medina Road. Right turn onto Holy Name Road. Right turn onto County Road 24. Left turn onto Hunter Road. Right turn onto County Road 6. Right turn onto Homstead Trail/JCT 201. Right turn onto County Road 24. Turnaround at County Road 24 just prior to Hunter Road. Left turn onto County Road 19. Right turn into park. Again use CAUTION as the path is narrow. Once off the bike path keep left on your way up to the transition area.
Make sure to dismount at the line prior to entering transition. Bikes MAY NOT be ridden in transition. Helmets must remain on and chin straps fastened until your bike is racked.
Aid stations are available for the long course at approx. miles 14, 26, 39. Bottled Water and HEED in water bottles will be available. Please slow down for the bottle exchange.
If you do not make the 12:30pm bike cut off you WILL NOT be allowed to continue on to the run course. You will be allowed to finish the bike course; however, police support/traffic control will not be available after 12:30pm. You will have to obey all State of Minnesota Traffic Laws and use caution crossing intersections on your way back to the park.
A Sag wagon will be available to transport participants back to the park from the course, but will not be able to offer mechanical assistance to participants.
Run is an out and back for both events. Run exits transition from the end closest to the water and you will run on the path down to the lakeshore and turn left along the shore. Take a left onto the hiking trail. At the top of the hiking trail take a right onto campground trail and head counterclockwise around campground. Take a right down the hill and through the tunnel. Left at “T” out of tunnel and head in a clockwise direction around Lake Katrina until you reach the turnaround. Volunteers will be recording race numbers at the turnaround for both events. Make sure to have your number FORWARD FACING and help them out by yelling out your race number as you approach. Follow the path back along Lake Katrina counterclockwise. Take a right and head back up through the tunnel. Left at the top of the Tunnel hill and follow the path back through the campground. Left at the top of the hiking trail. At the bottom of the trail you will take a right and head to the finish line located along the waterfront of Lake Independence.
Restrooms are located at miles 2, 3, 5, 8, 10, 11. Run course aid stations will be available every 1-1.5 miles for both the Olympic and Half Iron races and will have water, HEED, Hammer Gels, E-Caps, and carbs.
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