Thursday, July 8, 2010

App of the Month: Swim Planner

I now own a smart phone. Not a iPhone, but a HTC EVO. I really like it. And the apps available are cool. From Google SkyMap to Pandora radio, this little baby can produce. I stumbled across a very neat app for triathletes earlier this week that I wanted to share with you. It comes from the folks at Tri Faster.

Over the past two decades, Tri Faster coaches have been writing swim workouts for their athletes and swim teams. When talking to swimmers and triathletes, they learned many people head to the pool without a workout in mind or do not understand how to write a workout that is challenging but appropriate for their level of fitness.

Like me, do you head to the pool without a workout in mind or spend too much time trying to find or write one? The Swim Planner app creates swim workouts in seconds based on your total desired workout distance and swimming ability. All you need to decide is how far you want to swim, enter a recent time trial time, and the app will take over from there to generate a new swim workout similar to the ones Tri Faster coaches provide their athletes. If you don't like the workout, click New to generate another until you get one you like from the hundreds available. Workouts can be emailed or copied to the clipboard for use in other apps.

It is very easy to setup. Just enter a few paramaters.

And you are given a workout!

You can even email the workout to yourself or to others. Virtual training anyone? Here is a workout I recently did using this app.

Warmup Set (300y)
250 easy-mod @ 4:30
50 non-free

Main Set (1300y)
3 x [25, 50, 75, 100, 75, 50, 25] @ 0:20 rest between each interval
100 drill

Warmdown Set (400y)
4 x 100 easy-mod @ 2:00

This app is not free, having a very nominal $2.99 charge. BlackBerry smartphone version available on the BlackBerry App World™ storefront. iPhone and iPod touch version available on the App Store.  Android version available on the Android Market (search for "Swim Planner"), via AndroLib, or simply going to "Market" on your EVO phone, or by using the following QR code:

Have fun with it!

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